Doujin Game Reborn Heartbeat Bullet

Phantom Bullet (ファントム・バレット, Fantomu Baretto?) Part 2 is the 6th book in the Sword Art Online Light Novel series, published on December 10, 2010. 1 Summary 2 Chapters 2.1 Chapter 7 2.2 Chapter 8 2.3 Chapter 9 2.4 Chapter 10 2.5 Chapter 11 2.6 Chapter 12 2.7 Chapter 13 2.8 Chapter 14 2.9 Chapter. Nov 05, 2010 When you combine both of these, Reborn + otome game you get Heartbeat Bullet fangirlgasm. It’s a doujin game produced by Dear My 1bit (they seem to have closed down, their site is gone too @w@) Information About the Game. It’s actually quite a simple concept, the gaming part. Bullets are weapons that have played a major role throughout the series. All of the bullets used in the series have different effects. 1 Dying Will Bullet 1.1 Abilities/Effects 2 Desolation Bullet 3 Rebuke Bullet 4 Possession Bullet 5 Trivia 6 Navigation The Dying Will Bullet is a special weapon created by the Vongola Famiglia. Once it makes contact with a person, they die. If they feel regret. Aug 25, 2010 REBORN Doujin and Otome game stash. Aug 25, 2010 4 min read. Deviation Actions. Heartbeat Bullet-still looking around for this one, sounds SUPER fun.


Doujin Game Reborn Heartbeat Bullet

The clouds had a red tint to them that night. No stars could be seen clearly, and a mocking radiance of the moon's light was the only brightness in the sky, like the ray of a flashlight shining through a thick red fabric.


If the curtains hadn't been drawn, both occupants of the room would have been able to see the garden below, enveloped by gray mist, and the silence and quietness of the air and flowers. But neither of them had had the time to pay attention to the outside that day, not had they cared. Each one was wrapped by their own thoughts, which floated around their minds in the strained air that surrounded them. They hadn't talked to each other for a while.

Tsuna was the first to get under the covers of the king-sized canopied bed, in only a pair of pajama pants, his torso bare. He looked at his lover, whose back was facing him; one last look before he closed his eyes.

The raven hadn't made any efforts to talk to his lover ever since he had returned, and even though many would have considered that being part of Hibari's personality, Tsuna knew better. In the scarce time Hibari had dedicated to him, they hadn't talked and barely made eye contact, the efforts from the brunet's part to get him to talk resulting in awkward silences and heated discussions.

Tsuna couldn't understand what was wrong. Gokudera and Yamamoto had been beyond pissed at him for not telling them about the plan, but that was their way of telling him how much they loved him and how he should trust in them more. All of his other friends had had similar reactions, but Hibari didn't have any motive to act like that. He was the one who knew about it, after all.

He had surpassed the phase of insecurities long ago, after they had started their relationship. Tsuna knew he hadn't done anything wrong, and if he had, he knew Hibari wouldn't have hesitated to tell him so. That meant the problem concerned his lover, and that was where his fear resided. Had something happened in the time he had been away? Had Hibari realized he was happier without him? With those troubling thoughts, he fell into a troubled slumber.

Doujin game reborn heartbeat bullet force

Doujin Game Reborn Heartbeat Bullets

Right after Tsuna's breathing had evened, Hibari slid into the bed next to him.

'What's your problem?!'


'I just don't understand why you're so mad! Talk to me, Kyoya!'

Knowing the plan hadn't made a difference. He had tried to persuade Tsuna not to do it; he had tried to convince him that he alone could take them down, to no avail. And Tsuna had tried to calm him, to assure him that everything would be alright. And Hibari had believed him.

The day the news broke inside the Vongola base, he was away. He didn't want to be there to stand the other guardians' wailing, and only appeared for the funeral.

Doujin Game Reborn Heartbeat Bullet Journal

The whole family, even Mukuro, had been present. It had taken place at clearing in the forest, one of Tsuna's favorite places to meditate and escape the chaos of the headquarters. His lover was dressed in his usual black suit with an orange shirt, his hair as untamed as always, and his honey-colored eyes closed. He looked so at peace, as if his chest hadn't been pierced by a bullet.

Everyone had made way for him to take a closer look as he approached, some glaring at him for arriving so late. The other guardians, along with Nana, Iemitsu and Reborn, stood at the front in a row, all of their eyes stained with unshed tears.

Hibari knew all this mourning would come to an end soon. He knew Tsuna was only resting in that coffin surrounded by lilies; he was only waiting for the future to be fixed so he could wake up and smile like he always did.

But it somehow unsettled Hibari to see him still and cold like that.

He had kneeled down next to his lover. His fingertips had run across his cold, soft cheek, and remembered the time when Tsuna would stop his hand to bring it to his lips. He had never said it, but he always craved for those pure, loving kisses. His hand had caressed those soft locks, reviving the times when he would inhale their sent as he cradled the other against his chest. He loved that perfume, even more so mixed with Tsuna's favorite cologne. He traced the outline of the other's lips, wanting them to curve upwards and whisper the sickeningly sweet words of love that brought peace to his soul.

But then, his hand had continued down Tsuna's chest, and stilled suddenly. He pressed down softly, slightly, as if he could still hurt the other, and felt a sense of dread wrap around his chest, suffocating him. Because there, underneath the fabric of the suit, underneath the cold skin, there was nothing. No heartbeat.

The sudden realization made him freeze, even though it should have been evident from the start. Dead people's hearts don't beat. And that was what made Hibari, for the first time in his entire life, feel scared.

His lover was not pretending. Tsuna was not resting. Tsuna was dead, dead and gone, and if this whole plot failed, he would be gone forever. And Hibari knew there was a huge chance everything fell apart.

When the younger Tsunayoshi had come from the past, confused and frightened, it had only helped Hibari to remember that was not the brunet he loved, but a painful reminder of him. He had trained him the way he had sparred with his older self; his clumsiness, kindness and bravery made him remember why Hibari's younger self had fallen in love with him all those years ago. His warmness, determination and strength made his remember why he was still in love.

In the end, the plan was a success, as Tsuna had predicted. There were mixed reactions –anger, happiness, relief, indifference –but everything had turned out alright. Tsuna was there with them, smiling and lighting the place with his presence as he had always done. But that hadn't been enough to bring Hibari peace.

He reached for Tsuna under the covers. Slowly, gently, very unlike him, he caressed the soft skin of the other's hip, the hips that at nights like this would move in sync with his own. His fingertips traced the outline of Tsuna's muscles and continued on towards his arms, the slender arms that wrapped around his neck to pull him into the most passionate kisses. Finally, he reached Tsuna's chest, which moved up and down with the heart's every pulse and Tsuna's breahting.

He put his ear above the beat so he could hear it more clearly. It was strong and continuous, it echoed within him and made his own hear beat in the same rhythm.

He had wanted to own Tsunayoshi's very existence, for the brunet to be for him only. He had thought those smiles in his directions, those whispers into his ears, the gentle touches to his body were of his property. Yet it had all been taken away from him so easily, and he had felt so helpless and confused, because it had made him understand.

Tsunayoshi was never truly his. He was Vongola's, and the fact that he had given his love to Hibari was only a lucky twist of destiny, because he could have easily fallen for anyone else. Tsuna belonged to everyone, and that's the reason he had left him so easily: for the sake of everyone else. That was what he was confused about the most. Because he didn't mind.

He kissed Tsuna's pulse, waking his up. He kissed his way up the other's neck, and then he licked Tsuna's arm up to his wrist, where he began kissing again.


He didn't mind, because all he wanted was for Tsuna to live. Even if he left, even if one day Tsuna stopped loving him, if he started to hate him, he didn't mind. So long as he was alive, as long as he could see him smile and be happy from afar, as long as…

'…you keep your heart beating.'

Tsuna's eyes widened. He looked at his lover, whose face was hidden in the crook of his neck and was kissing his pulse. And he understood.

Doujin Game Reborn Heartbeat Bullet Machine

'I won't leave you, Kyoya. Never again. I couldn't…' he was interrupted by a pair of soft lips against his own. No words were necessary. Instead, Tsuna dedicated Hibari his brightest, most sincere smile, and guided him to his chest again.

Hibari wrapped his arms around Tsuna, and allowed his heartbeat beat to lull him to sleep.

This little fluffy thing occurred to me while I was working on the outline for the next chapter of 'Baby Steps'. It brought me cavities.

I realized with this I kind of suck at fancy descriptions (meaning no disrespect to the ones who write them, it's just a way to call that style of writing), read the beginning to see what I mean. But I think the best stories are also the simplest, or rather, fancy descriptions aren't necessary when the beauty of the story is in the facts themselves, which doesn't mean they shouldn't be well-written! (Besides my vocabulary is kind of limited 3).But I don't know. Do you prefer stories with a lot of imagery and metaphors and fancy descriptions and such, or more simple ones? (Improvised poll!)

Doujin game reborn heartbeat bullet force

As always, feedback and critique are welcome. Thank you very much for reading!

Love and hugs,

҉ Nina ҉

Aliasesディーノ, Bucking Horse Dino, Chiavarone Decimo
MeasurementsHeight: 183cm, Weight: 72kg
Birthday4 February
HairBlond, Short, Spiky Bangs
EyesBrown, Hosome
BodyPale, Slim, Tall (obsolete), Tattoo, Young-adult
ClothesBelt, Hoodie, Sports Shoes, Trousers, T-shirt
PersonalityClumsy, Friendly, Kind, Mature, Proactive, Protective
RoleGang Leader, Italian, Mafia, Pet Owner
Engages inFighting


Dīno is the 10th Boss of the Chiavarone Famiglia, which is the number three Famiglia in its Mafia alliance with the Vongola Famiglia. The Chiavarone is also one of the largest Famiglia, with over 5,000 members. Dino is a young man with great leadership skills along with great combat skills. His main weapons are a bullwhip and his pet turtle, Enzo.
Like Tsunayoshi, Dino, at first did not want anything to do with the Mafia and was also a klutz. He became a suitable Mafia Boss after Reborn became his home tutor. He came to be known as 'Bucking Horse Dino' and fixed the Chiavarone's financial problems, turning them into the third most influential Famiglia in the Vongola Alliance. Unfortunately, Dino is so devoted to his Famiglia that when none of his Famiglia Members are around, his skills decrease dramatically, and he will often accidentally hit people with his whip and fall down stairs, among other things.
He refers to Tsunayoshi as his 'little brother', and treats him as such. He is also one of the characters who refers to Nana Sawada (Tsunayoshi's mother) as 'Mama'.
[Taken from Reborn! Wiki.]

Doujin Game Reborn Heartbeat Bullet Light

Gokudera Hayato獄寺 隼人B
MeasurementsHeight: 168cm, Weight: 54kg
Birthday9 September
HairCurtained, Grey, Short, Spiky Bangs
ClothesJacket, Necktie, School Uniform, Shirt, Suit, Trousers
PersonalityAntisocial, Loyal, Rude, Short-tempered, Smart
RoleClassmate, Half-brother, Half-orphan, Italian, Mafia, Middle School Student, Transfer Student, Wealthy, Younger Brother
Engages inFighting, Smoking


Gokudera Hayato was born in Italy and is 3/4 Italian and 1/4 Japanese, having a half-Japanese mother. His all-consuming ambition is to succeed as Tsunayoshi's right-hand man. Hayato first arrived in Japan to test Tsunayoshi's worthiness for becoming the heir to the Vongola Famiglia. However when Tsunayoshi saved him from his wayward Dynamite, Hayato became fiercely loyal to Tsunayoshi; admiring him to the point of extremes.
Hayato is hot-tempered and tends to be irritable towards anyone who isn't Tsunayoshi or Reborn. He cultivates a 'bad boy' image by smoking heavily, having a hostile attitude towards most people and dressing like a delinquent. However, over time, he gradually starts to open up to others. Hayato is rather superstitious and believes in 'Unidentified Mysterious Animals.'
Despite his rebellious image, Hayato excels in his schoolwork and aces all his tests, often tutoring his less-skilled friends such as Tsunayoshi and Takeshi. Gokudera also bases a lot of his thinking and academic prowess on mathematical theories that he develops. It is commonly assumed that he had a multitude of private tutors when he was young, as he was brought up in a rich household.
[Taken from Reborn! Wiki.]

Doujin Game Reborn Heartbeat Bullet Gun

Hibari Kyouya雲雀 恭弥O
MeasurementsHeight: 169cm, Weight: 58kg
Birthday5 May
HairBlack, Short, Spiky Bangs, Straight, V Bangs
EyesGrey, Hosome, Tsurime
BodyPale, Slim, Teen
ClothesJacket, Necktie, School Uniform, Shirt, Suit, Trousers
PersonalityAntisocial, Cold-hearted, Confident, Disciplinarian, Loyal, Nature Lover, Violent
RoleDelinquent, Discipline Committee Leader, Middle School Student, Senpai
Engages inFighting


Hibari Kyouya is the leader of the Namimori Middle School Disciplinary Committee, prefects who are in fact a group of delinquents that are all loyal to Hibari. Hibari himself is a violent delinquent who uses his status to harass other students. As shown several times in the series, he prefers to be alone and cares little for his subordinates. He loves Namimori more than anything, and will often say 'I'll bite you to death,' or 'kamikorosu,' to those that disturb Namimori Middle School. Hibari is very proud of his school and is apparently the only person who even likes their school's anthem, even using it as his ringtone. Reborn piqued Hibari's curiosity in the mafia early on in the series and Hibari considers him a worthy opponent, having a strong urge to fight him.
As stated by others, Hibari is a very scary character with no care for the well-being of others, preferring to do whatever it takes to get what he wants. This often leads to his opponents surprising him, as he doesn't think before attacking. As the head of Namimori Middle's Disciplinary Committee, Hibari uses authority to assault those that get on his nerves, including his own subordinates. He prefers to be alone, and hates crowdings. This leads him to beat anyone who he thinks is crowding around him too much. He has full confidence in his own strength and power, and dislikes working together with anybody due to feeling bound and restrained, making him refuse or not easily take suggestions from others into consideration.
A rare trait about him is his love for small animals, ranging from birds to hedgehogs. He is also fiercely loyal to his school and its rules, going so far as to punish others for breaking them even if they aren't students or at the school. He is shown to dislike being indebted to anyone and strives to pay them back as soon as possible. He cannot stand being restrained and absolutely refuses to allow himself to be controlled.
[Taken from Reborn! Wiki.]

Doujin Game Reborn Heartbeat Bullet Force

Rokudou Mukuro六道 骸
MeasurementsHeight: 177cm, Weight: 62kg
Birthday9 June
HairBlue, Parted in Middle, Short, Spiky Bangs
EyesBlue, Heterochromia, Hosome, Red, Symbol
BodyPale, Slim, Teen
ClothesGloves, Jacket, Necklace, School Uniform, Suit, Trousers, T-shirt
PersonalityArrogant, Blunt, Refined, Relaxed
RoleGang Leader, Middle School Student
Engages inEscape From Confinement, Fighting


Rokudou Mukuro is the Kokuyo Arc's primary villain. Portrayed as the series' first primary antagonist, Mukuro Rokudo is introduced as a 15-year-old (former) Mafia criminal and the leader of the Kokuyo Gang, which consists of heinous criminals who have recently escaped from an Italian prison.
Despite often being shown with a playful smile, Mukuro is seemingly apathetic to the suffering of others. Appearing as the series' first antagonist, Mukuro is not averse to disposing of those who get in his way and is not easily intimidated, usually speaking to others in a very direct and arrogant manner. He cares little for others, and simply considers people to be 'toys' or 'tools' he can sacrifice in order to get what he wants. Though usually calm, he is easily angered in some occasions, mostly whenever his hair is compared to a pineapple, in which case he would immediately give the offender a punishment, both ruthlessly and comically.
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[Taken from Reborn! Wiki.]

Sawada Tsunayoshi沢田 綱吉A
Aliases10th, 27, Dame Tsuna, Juudaime, No-Good Tsuna, Tsuna
MeasurementsHeight: 157cm, Weight: 46kg
Birthday14 October
HairBrown, Short, Spiky, V Bangs
BodyPale, Slim, Teen
ClothesFingerless Gloves, Jacket, Necktie, School Uniform, Shirt, Suit, Trousers
PersonalityClumsy, Coward, Flustered, Hetare, Low Self-esteem
RoleClassmate, Gang Leader, Kouhai, Mafia, Middle School Student, Unpopular
Engages inUnarmed Fighting


Sawada Tsunayoshi is the main protagonist of Katekyou Hitman Reborn! Although at first a cowardly and useless junior high student, Tsunayoshi is suddenly thrown into fulfilling the role as the tenth generation Boss of the Vongola Famiglia, the most prominent Mafia Famiglia in the world, forcing him to gather his own Guardians to eventually battle for the survival of the world. Although he himself does not wish to have anything to do with the Mafia, he nevertheless finds himself thrust into numerous battles.
Tsunayoshi is an ordinary junior-high student known in school as 'No-Good Tsuna' for his poor grades, wimpy attitude, bad luck, and lack of athleticism, a fact which he freely admits. Tsunayoshi is generally depicted as comically horrified by the outrageous actions of those around him, generally causing him to become nearly hysterical, especially by Reborn's training methods. His lack of confidence and tremendous lack of luck generally contrast humorously with the positions of leadership and external pressure Reborn puts him in. Despite his title, he seems an earnest individual with great potential; unfortunately, Reborn discovers that often the only way to force Tsuna to fulfill this potential is to put him in a life or death situation.
Although told by others that he is to be the 10th generation Vongola Boss, Tsunayoshi is generally unwilling to take part in anything that has to do with the Mafia. He always denies the fact that he is a going to be Mafia Boss and tries to avoid anyone and anything involved with the Mafia, clinging to any element of an ordinary life he can, even stating that his Guardians and subordinates are just his friends and upperclassmen. Later, though he dislikes the violent history inherent in the Mafia, stating that he would rather destroy the Vongola Famiglia than to accept such a heritage, Tsunayoshi is grateful for the friends he has made since meeting Reborn. He cares a lot for his Famiglia and puts himself in the way of danger and even death in order to protect the members.
[Taken from Reborn! Wiki.]

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