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'Skills to Pay the Bills: Mastering Soft Skills for Workplace Success,' is a curriculum developed by ODEP focused on teaching 'soft' or workforce readiness skills to youth, including youth with disabilities. Created for youth development professionals as an introduction to workplace interpersonal and professional skills, the curriculum is targeted for youth ages 14 to 21 in both in-school and out-of-school environments. The basic structure of the program is comprised of modular, hands-on, engaging activities that focus on six key skill areas: communication, enthusiasm and attitude, teamwork, networking, problem solving and critical thinking, and professionalism.
Mastering The As 400 Pdf Free Book

Mastering the AS/400 book. Read 3 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. A bestseller, this textbook has been updated to reflect changes. Standard 400 to 500-word paper, I apply the standard single batch of the recipe, writing 75 to 100 words in each of the five paragraphs. For a 1000-word essay, I double the recipe writing by two paragraphs, rather than only one, for the introduction, the three supporting paragraphs, and the conclusion paragraph. I can even write a.
Introduction Materials
- Introduction and Activity Layout (PDF)
- Through the Lens of Universal Design for Learning (PDF)
- Tips for Improving Access for Youth with Disabilities (PDF)
Soft Skill #1: Communication
The activities in this section will not only help participants practice and recognize how they provide information to others, but also help them consider how others may prefer to receive information. It is important to reinforce with participants that communication skills involve give and take — and they can, indeed, be learned and strengthened over time.
- Download Soft Skill #1: Communication (PDF)
Soft Skill #2: Enthusiasm & Attitude
The activities in this section seek to teach participants about the importance of enthusiasm and a positive attitude in the workplace. Participants will hear strategies for turning negative thinking into positive thinking and displaying and discussing enthusiasm during an interview and on the job.
- Download Soft Skill #2: Enthusiasm & Attitude (PDF)
Soft Skill #3: Teamwork
The activities in this section seek to teach participants about the importance of teamwork to workplace success and the specific role each individual on a team may play. Participants will learn about positive teamwork behavior and discover how their own conduct can impact others on a team.
Mastering The As 400 Pdf Free Online
- Download Soft Skill #3: Teamwork (PDF)
Soft Skill #4: Networking
The activities in this section focus on the process of networking and its relevance and importance to career development. Participants will learn about taking initiative and overcoming fear, informational interviewing, as well as potential guidelines to consider when using social networks, texting, and email for networking purposes.
- Download Soft Skill #4: Networking (PDF)
Soft Skill #5: Problem Solving & Critical Thinking
The activities in this section focus on learning how to solve problems in a variety of ways in the workplace. Participants will hear about how to properly tell the difference among criticism, praise, and feedback and reacting appropriately. The section will also review strategies for making ethical decisions, solving problems on a team with others, and learning how to take into account others' perceptions when assessing actions or statements in the workplace.
- Download Soft Skill #5: Problem Solving & Critical Thinking (PDF)
Soft Skill #6: Professionalism
The activities in this section focus on each of the five individual soft skills presented in this publication (communication, enthusiasm/attitude, teamwork, networking, and problem solving/critical thinking), but in a broader framework. This is because professionalism, is not one skill but the blending and integration of a variety of skills.
- Download Soft Skill #6: Professionalism (PDF)
Additional Materials
- A Word About Social Networking (PDF)
- Additional Resources for Youth with Disabilities (PDF)
- In Their Own Words (PDF)
Mastering The As 400 Pdf Free Printable
Author | : Joe Pluta |
Publisher | : Unknown |
Release Date | : 01 October 2002 |
ISBN 10 | : 9780976269205 |
Pages | : 228 pages |
Rating | : |
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Database access is the heart of iSeries web applications. There are two main techniques available: JDBC and Record Level Access (RLA). RLA is similar to using file I/O operations in RPG, while JDBC uses SQL. Which should you use for any given job? Whether you're creating web applications, client programs, or server-side code, you need to know how to effectively use JDBC or RLA to access your iSeries data. In this new, fast-paced 20-hour training course, Joe Pluta takes you step-by-step through many labs which allow you to compare and contrast both JDBC and RLA. Using these short, easy to understand labs, you'll create Java classes to read files sequentially and by key. You'll learn how to create complete CRUD classes (Create, Read, Update, Delete) using both RLA and JDBC. TOPICS COVERED IN THIS HANDS-ON COURSE INCLUDE: ?Sequential access with RLA and JDBC ?Creating and closing connections ?Working with records and fields from database files ?Using RLA and JDBC for keyed access ?Updating records using RLA and JDBC ?Error handling using the database access techniques ?Inserting new records with RLA and JDBC ?Creating a 3-tier client application to display, insert, update and delete data ?Using an Abstract Class to simplify Java development ?The JBUI classes to provide powerful user interfaces, far simpler than AWT or Swing NOTE: This course uses VisualAge for Java version 3.5 or 4.0, provided with the IBM WebSphere Development Tools for iSeries. Some experience with Java is assumed. When should you use JDBC? When should you use RLA? With this training you?ll always make the right choice to maximize Java Database performance and make your job easier.