- The CTG file (Canon Digital Camera Catalog File) doesn't contain pictures and isn't meant to be opened by users. Boulder Computer Maven Microsoft Most Valuable Professional.
- Instead it is represented by the 'save as type' which dictates the file extension for the document. By default, it will be given a.doc extension since it's a word document. Continue reading: second part of the 'What Are File Extensions?' Get more information about how to open CTG file. Also check how to: open PAGES file; open BIN file.
- Provided the right files are in the right locations. (My personal choice is: /ti99sim12/ti99sim-sdl -4 -dsk1=sliding.dsk -dsk2=times86.dsk sxba.ctg) - some files systems you can use with Linux are picky about the use of capitals, so first make sure your disk file really is called dm.dsk and not DM.DSK.
- CTG file format description. Many people share.ctg files without attaching instructions on how to use it. Yet it isn’t evident for everyone which program a.ctg file can be edited, converted or printed with. On this page, we try to provide assistance for handling.ctg files.
Have a problem opening a .CTG file? We collect information about file formats and can explain what CTG files are. Additionally we recommend software suitable for opening or converting such files.
What is the .CTG file type?
The .ctg extension is usually tied up with the Canon Catalogue (CTG) file type and files of this type found in many Canon digital cameras. A .ctg file is a small-sized non-plaintext metafile automatically created by the camera per each picture folder.
CTG files store information about the number of pictures taken within associated directories on the camera's memory card. They are auxiliary files automatically created and removed by the camera to facilitate indexing. One folder can hold up to 100 images, so another folder and another .ctg file are created if there are more images to store.

Canon CTG files take up very little space and do not pose as a clutter factor. Being metafiles, they do not contain any image data and, therefore, cannot be converted in any image format. Normally, a lot of CTG files can be found in the 'CANONMSC' folder. Canon's official advice is 'Close this folder and leave it alone.'
The.ctg files contain internal info - i know not what. If there is a 119.ctg, there should be a 119CANON which contains pictures from 1900 to 1999 normally starting with IMG and of type.JPG. They may also start with STA thru STZ, if they are images taken in stitch mode. Some cameras may also have SND or MVI files for sound clips and movies.
Files with the .ctg extension are not meant to be opened and edited directly, so there is no default association for them on any of the popular user platforms.
Ctg Files Canon Camera

Software to open or convert CTG files
You can open CTG files with the following programs:Did your computer fail to open a CTG file? We explain what they are used for and recommend software that we know can open or otherwise handle your .CTG files.
What is a CTG file?

Ctg File Converter
A .CTG file is a Canon Photo Catalog file. Files that contain the .ctg file extension are Catalog index files. Certain Canon digital cameras create these files. When a Canon digital camera takes a photograph, it stores the photo in a folder on the camera's memory card.
The CTG file stores information about the number of pictures that are stored in each folder located on the camera's memory card. These files allow your computer to index the files and populate them to your computer. The CTG file does not contain any actual image data; rather, it just contains an index of the folder's data.
How to open CTG files
You will need a program compatible with the specific file you are trying to open, as different programs may use files with file extension CTG for different purposes.
Ctg File Format
While we have not verified the apps ourselves yet, our users have suggested 10 different CTG openers which you will find listed below.