Download the file, extract it, and put the folder in Counter-Strike Source/cstrike/custom. After you do this, open Steam, right-click on Counter-Strike: Source and select 'Properties'. Click on 'Local Files' and select 'Verify integrity of game files' (the last button). Wait for it, and you're ready to launch it. Reply Good karma +2 votes. .rar installer files (have tried all from various browsers) won't extract. Each says broken/damaged. Either with winRAR or 7zip. source files extract just fine, however.
RVGL (rvgl_21.0125 25-01-2021)
RVGL Windows 32 bitRVGL Windows 64 bit
RVGL Linux
- This is the latest Re-Volt patch, still in development in 2021, this patch is used the most for online gaming
- Before installing, make sure you already installed the basic Re-Volt version
- Then extract the RVGL files into your Re-Volt folder
- To start the RVGL version of Re-Volt, just run rvgl.exe
DreamCast Pack
Download DC pack- This pack contains cars of Re-Volt DreamCast version, and a track called Rooftops
- This is an add-on, download the full version of Re-Volt to use it (keep in mind, that 1.2 add-on is no longer used in multiplayer games, you should use RVGL to play online)
- place the files in your Re-Volt cars/toyeca folder

- updates Re-Volt to v1.10
- allows exported editor tracks as double sized
- allows the use of custom tracks in multi player
Download Multi Player Splitscreen Re 5 .rar
- turns off the CD check
- turns off in game music
- the rest is the same as the 0916 patch
- Fixes several Re-Volt bugs
- Provides an easy access to the most commonly used (command line) options in Re-Volt
- Adds new options / features not available in Re-Volt
- Comes with some basic function to manage users tracks
- Allows to create/play more elaborated User tracks (Custom tracks). Track makers can customize more things than in usual User tracks
- Play multiplayer up to 12 players
Download Multi Player Split Screen Re 5 .rar
- Original Parameters.txt for Toyeca drivers who messed up their parameters file ;)