Profinet Gsdml Files

A PROFINET General Station Description (GSD) file is a description of an IO device provided by the device manufacturer. The contents of the GSD consists of configuration information, parameters, modules, diagnostic and alarms, and vendor and device identification. To discuss the latter two in a little more detail, the vendor identification (vendor ID) is a number which is provided by PI (PROFIBUS & PROFINET International) which is unique to each vendor. Profinet Application Firmware Version and GSDML file. 1.0.0 Version 11 Download 159.29 KB File Size 1 File Count April 29, 2015 Create Date April 29, 2015.

A GSD file (General Station Description), which is provided by the device manufacturer, contains a description of the PROFIBUS DP/PA or PROFINET device. GSD files provide a way for an open configuration tool to automatically get the device characteristics. If you want your device to be added to this list, please contact us. This indicates that the device only supports Profinet version 1.0, while the PLC supports Profinet version 2.2 and above. I have checked the GSDML file with the GSDML checker. There are no errors but one warning (see picture). As far as I can see, the used schema of the file is version 2.2 which is very old. PROFINET Device Parameter Support. In summary, Device GSDML files support the three types of PROFINET device parameters; standard, F-parameters, and Dynamic parameters. PROFINET Controller programming tools use the GSDML information and allow end users to choose PROFINET device operating details.

PROFINET device parameters are features that can be selected to set the operating conditions of a device. PROFINET supports 3 types of parameters: Standard parameters, F-parameters, and Dynamic Parameters. The GSD file of each device defines its parameters (GSD files are explained in PROFINET GSD File Basics).

Profinet Gsd File Editor

Three Types of Device Parameters

1) Standard Parameters

Standard parameters are available for each device. The PROFINET Controller configuration tool displays the available parameters and allows the user to make selections. Once the parameters are set they will be stored in the IO controller and downloaded to the device when a connection is established. Some examples of standard parameters include: MRP settings, send clock, device watchdog time, start-up mode, and device diagnostic selections. Namely, device diagnostic parameters such as wire break, no supply voltage, short circuit, etc. The following figure on the right shows part of a device parameter selection screen.

2) F-Parameters (Failsafe Parameters)

F-Parameters (Failsafe related parameters) are only available if the device and the controller both support PROFIsafe. Safety parameters are embedded inside the standard parameter packet using the same technique used for PROFIsafe F-IO data embedding (see PROFIsafe Profile Details). The following table describes F-Parameters in detail.


Parameter NameByte address Data typeDefinition
F_PRM_Flag10Unsigned8byte field with bits that represent, iPar present, F SIL (Safety Integrity Level) level, F-CRC length
F_PRM_Flag21Unsigned8byte field with bits that represent F-Par Version, iPar present
F_Source_Add2-3Unsigned16Safety address (F-Address) of F-Host
F_Dest_Add4-5Unsigned16Safety address (F-Address) of F-Device
F_WD_Time6-7Unsigned16F-Watchdog time based on a 1ms time base
F_iPar_CRC (optional)8-11Unsigned324 byte CRC for iParameters (if no iPars this field is empty)
F_Par_CRC12-13Unsigned162 byte CRC across the F-Parameter block(and the iPar block if it is present)

3) Dynamic Parameters ( iParameters)

With some field devices, complete parameter assignment through GSD files is not very useful due to the amount of data, the direct user guidance needed, or the specific circumstances in an automation system. Dynamic parameters device or plant-specific data. In most cases, the user must assign these parameters during device commissioning. For example, some safety lasers scanners require a special setup tool to define the protective fields. These field definitions are specific to the location of the scanning device. In case of device replacement, the setup tool is required during recommissioning.

When replacing a field device with dynamic parameters, it would be preferable to automatically reload these parameters into the new field device on voltage recovery rather than recommissioning by hand. PROFINET offers unique support for this type of device with iParameters and the iPar-Server. After the device commissioning a database can store all the dynamic data (iPars) for the future.


The iPAR-Server is an entity that handles the upload of iPars from the device. It stores them and can restore them to the device upon device replacement. The adjacent figure shows the iPar server operation. By using the iPar-Server to save and automatically upload these dynamic device parameters, the user avoids additional commissioning time and cost. Although iPars and the iPar server are not requirements for any device, they are features that a vendor can choose to support since they make device replacement easier.

PROFINET Device Parameter Support

In summary, Device GSDML files support the three types of PROFINET device parameters; standard, F-parameters, and Dynamic parameters. PROFINET Controller programming tools use the GSDML information and allow end users to choose PROFINET device operating details.

For more information, download the full White Paper:

PROFINET for Network Geeks (and those who want to be)




Checking the functionality of a PROFINET device without having detailed knowledge about the content of the description file is often important for the user. This is what the GSD Checker does.
The GSD Checker is able to show the content of GSD files for PROFINET in an easy to understand table view. It also contains a function to check the accuracy of GSD files which helps to build a valid description file.
A built-in XML editor allows to make corrections without having to leave the tool. Additionally, an external XML editor may be called just by pressing a button.
Built-in sample files are a good starting point for editing own GSD files.
The tool is provided free of charge by PROFIBUS Nutzerorganisation e.V. (Germany) to all members of PROFIBUS & PROFINET International (PI).

Version 2.42 supports GSDML V2.42.

Restriction: The optional signature element is only checked for syntax.
It comes with pre-built binaries for the additional XML parsers Apache Xerces-C++ V3.2.2 and libxml2 V2.9.10.

Profinet Gsdml Files

Note: The PROFINET GSD Checker is now a portable app. You can deploy (unzip) the app on every location and run the app without installation.


Siemens Profinet Gsdml Files

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Profinet Gsd Files

04/08/2021PROFINET_GSD_Checker_V2.42.zipzip17 MB
04/08/2021OpenSourceSoftware.zipzip3 MB
04/08/2021ReadMeOSS.zipzip140 KB

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