SocialBox is a Bruteforce Attack Framework ( Facebook , Gmail , Instagram ,Twitter ). Coded By Tunisian Hacker Belahsan Ouerghi.
One of the best method to hacking someone accounts is BruteForce attacks, you can hack Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Gmail and any social media with continuously log in using thousands of password lists until the correct password is found.
With just SocialBox you can perform brute force attack on any social media. But SocialBox is not supported Proxy, maybe the proxy feature is underbuild to make SocialBox more powerfull.
Tool Hack Fb Via Cmd Browser
Tool Hack Fb Via Cmd - fasrhouston. Understand the following command, change the details according to your and execute it. Python3 faceboom.py -t -w. As you can see it has got the correct password to enter the victim accounts and thus we can crack the Facebook account password using the last dictionary.
§ sudo apt-get install git
§ git clone https://github.com/TunisianEagles/SocialBox.git
§ cd SocialBox
§ chmod +x SocialBox.sh
§ chmod +x install-sb.sh

§ ./install-sb.sh
§ ./SocialBox.sh
Screenshots :
Tested On :
- Backbox linux
- Ubuntu
- Kali linux
Contact :
Tool Hack Fb Via Cmd Password
- Contact – Belahsan Ouerghi
Authors :

- facebook : Imad
- gmail : Ha3MrX
- instagram : thelinuxchoice
- Twitter : thelinuxchoice
- SocialBox : Belahsan Ouerghi
How To Run it :
Go to SocialBox folder, and the type command :
2. Choose your choice for example number 1, just type 1