Tamil is the official language of Tamilnadu State in India. To type in tamil language you have to download and install tamil fonts in your system. We are providing most popular Tamil font used for typing. Latha Tamil font, Bamini, amudham, Valluavar Tamil font for Download. Click on given link to download tamil fonts:
In this video, I talk about how to download and use Chenet tamil font Photoshop, ms offices. So please watch full video. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment or message me.
- LathaBoldLatha BoldLatha BoldVersion 6. 00Latha-BoldYou may use this font as permitted by the EULA for the product in which this font is included to display and print content.
- Free Download All Tamil Fonts - Tamil Unicode Font, Tamil Style Font, Tamil Normal Font, Tscii, TAM, TAB & more.
- Buy Shree Tamil 0805 Regular desktop font from Modular InfoTech on Fonts.com.
- Bamini Tamil font free download and installation guide - most used Tamil fonts in print medium, Photoshop designers, copywriters and marketing agencies of all kind. Bamini is great font used for graphic design, magazines, simple text, documents and anything.
Tamil Unicode Font
With the help of tamil unicode font you can read any news paper and other tamil websites in tamil fonts. Download tamil unicode font from given link below:

Tamil Legacy Font
Chenet Tamil Font Free
- Free Download Tamil Font Vellore
Click on the given link to read the tamil Font Installation Instruction for windows 7, windows xp, windows 8 operating system.
Chenet Tamil Font Converter
1. Type In Tamil online, free

Chenet Tamil Font Online

2. Tamil Keyboard Layout

Chenet Tamil Font Free
3. Tamil Typing Font & App for Android Mobile phone