Counter Strike Extreme V9

Download Counter Strike Extreme V7 Full Version(712 MB) Wetseh,udah lama ane udah gak ngeposting tapi maafkan semua itu.Nah sekarang kita langsung masuk aja yak ke topik Yap,ane kali ini bakalan ngeposting game Counter Strike Extreme V7.Counter Strike atau game yang sering disebut game bergenre FPS(First Person Shooter)mengeluarkan. Charlene Thompson on Counter Strike Xtreme V9 Torrent FULL. Download game counter strike extreme v7 counter strike v9 how to download cs extreme descargar counter strike xtreme v5 download counter strike xtreme v6. Have these mod: zombie mod, zombie united, deathmatch and alien scenario. Counter Strike Xtreme is one of the best mods you can find. Counter strike Extreme V9 2011. Counter strike xtreme v 7 is a new counter strike extreme and like counter strike v6, ther is some mode in this game like zomby mode, normal mode, and in this version ther is new mode ( Alien scanario ) and new karakter. Direct download.

  1. Download Counter-strike Extreme V9
  2. Counter-strike Extreme V9 Indir

Counter-Strike Extreme v7: counter strike extreme v7 is one of the most demanding, playing, and the best game from counter-strike series. in this game, the developer added more updates for especially zombie lovers.

counter strike extreme v7 game has more funs, for example, In this version, you can choose your character as a zombie and you can choose the funny guns that are available in this mode. And there are time bombs also available, plus you can enjoy this game with your friends. And in this, you are also completely guided by the game voice i.e the auto voice in the game.

The feature of counter strike Extreme v7 is that you can install it without the internet and you can also play the game without the internet. If you can’t have fun with friends without the internet then this game will not let you down because it will not let you get upset with zombies. And you can enjoy more by choosing funny weapons.

Counter-Strike Extreme v7 Gameplay:

Welcoming zombie lovers, Valve game publisher published several versions of counter strike. counter strike is a zombie version in which you will find many types of zombies. And along with that, you’ll also find weapons to look funny. To play the game, you must first select the team, then you must choose your character. Then you will be suggested about several weapons. You have to choose the weapon of your choice whether it is Riffles or dagger. Then your game will start. You have to kill the zombies. If your character is a soldier, you have to kill your zombies. And if you choose a zombie or a monster for more fun, you have to kill the soldiers, otherwise, they will kill you. You will see your zombie character’s hands and claws on the screen, which will you use as the weapons in many ways. For example, if you want to kill your enemy, you have to kill your enemy by moving your claws forward, or you can drop bat birds on your enemy, which you will use as a bomb.

You can play this game without the net, and you can also enjoy it with your friends. But you will need the internet to have fun with your friends. In this game counter strike extreme v7, if your character is a Soldier, Sometimes zombies may be very large and dangerous.

Moreover, during this mission, you also have to save hostages. There is a need to be very careful while saving the hostages. Because when you are saving the hostages, somewhere zombies will kill the hostages right in front of you and you will just be watching the scene. When rescuing the hostages, zombies must be killed quickly so that they do not kill the hostages.

Counter-Strike Extreme v7 Weapons:

There are different type of weapons such an amazing and more fun-able:

Counter-strike extreme v9 download full
  • You will find a pistol with 6 bullets in it,
  • Pistol in Gold Color,
  • Humorous scorpion-like pistol,
  • Riffles consist of only one large bullet which explodes like a bomb,
  • In both hands are sharp-edged pistols. one is red and the other is a golden colour,
  • Golden colour Riffles,
  • Guns like machine guns,
  • Machine gun-like Riffles in red,
  • AK47 Guns,
  • Soldier Guns,
  • A fast-firing gun, like a water gun,
  • Favourite guitar gun that you will shoot while playing the guitar,
  • Microscope guns,
  • Bomb Guns,
  • Funny guns,
  • Many shaped bombs,
  • Birthday cake bombs,
  • Heart bomb,
  • Many kinds of daggers
  • You can also choose a sword…..

Download Counter-strike Extreme V9

Features Of counter strike extreme v7:

These three modes in counter strike extreme v7:

  • Ghost Mode: In this mode, the player becomes invisible and must face his enemy using only the knife.
  • Zombie Mode: In this mode, you can use many kinds of guns. In this mode, you will see many types of zombies, And you have to kill these zombies. How to kill them depends on you whether you use bombs or guns. But also take care not to kill your team member.
  • Zombie Scenario: It’s almost like a zombie mode, but it involves zombies in the form of several armies, so it’s best to have good weapons.
  • Many kinds of guns
  • Different characters also update
  • New skins
  • New zombies effects
  • Map also updated
  • Zombie and alien scenario
  • Updated animations and more effects

Counter-Strike Extreme v7 System Requirements

  • OS: windows 7/xp/vista
  • CPU: Pentium 4 1.0 GHz processor
  • RAM: 512MB
  • Drive Space: 1GB
  • Video Card: 64MB
  • Sound Card: DirectX compatible
  • DirectX: 8.0
  • Hard Accessories: Mouse Plus keyboard

Also Download: Counter Strike Global Offensive

Counter Strike Extreme v7 Download

Counter-strike Extreme V9 Indir

Counter Strike Extreme v7 Additional Information:

  • Publisher: valve, eidos studios
  • License: Free
  • Language: English
  • File size: 700Mb
  • Version: counter strike extreme v7

PROS & CONS of Counter Strike Extreme V7

  • Small size but excellent funs
  • Play with friends online
  • Especially counter strike extreme v7 for zombies lovers
  • Weapons fun
  • Multiplayer Mode
  • Excellent sound matching with game
  • Free version
  • Nothing in the new version

Counter Strike Extreme v7 FAQS:

  • How to download counter strike extreme v7?
    Simply click on the download button and look, downloading must have started.
  • How to install counter strike extreme v7?
    After downloading open your file and simply click on the setup file, follow the steps, and also choose the partition where you want to do install this game. After completing all steps click on the icon Which is on your desktop and enjoy the counter strike extreme v7.
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